City of West Sacramento
Home MenuCommunity Rating System
The City of West Sacramento participates in the voluntary program called Community Rating System (CRS). The program rewards communities for following specific floodplain management activities by providing a discount on flood insurance.
The CRS uses a Class rating system that is similar to fire insurance rating to determine flood insurance premium reductions for residents. The Classes are rated from 10 to 1. The City is currently at a rating of 6 as of May 1, 2017, which offers residents and business owners a 10% discount on flood insurance premiums.
As of August 21, 2020, FEMA approved the City’s recent Community Rating System (CRS) annual recertification package. This annual recertification is required for the City to maintain their community ranking that credits community efforts beyond the minimum standards by reducing flood insurance premiums for property owners.
The City is currently at a CRS rating of 6, which offers residents and business owners a 10% discount on flood insurance premiums. The discounts in the CRS provide an incentive for communities to implement new flood protection activities that can help save lives and property when a flood occurs.
The main goals of the CRS are:
- reduce flood damage to insurable properties
- strengthen the insurance aspects of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
- foster comprehensive floodplain management.
The table below shows the classification and premium reductions given for communities in the NFIP CRS.