City of West Sacramento
Home MenuFlood History
Flooding, and the threat of a flood emergency have been associated with the Sacramento region and Central Valley throughout history. West Sacramento is particularly susceptible to flooding due to its location at the confluence of the Sacramento and American Rivers. Historically, West Sacramento suffered from almost annual flooding until the massive reclamation efforts of the early twentieth century.
Over the past few decades, the City of West Sacramento has experienced significant flooding.
1986 Flood: The series of storms that struck California in February 1986 resulted in the flood of record for many areas in Northern and Central California. The estimated peak flows associated with the 1986 flood were nearly equal to or exceeded the design flows of the Sacramento River, Sacramento Bypass, and the Yolo Bypass. These records flows in combination with high winds caused severe damage to the levees.
1997 Flood: The New Year's Day Flood of 1997 is one of the largest experienced floods in Northern California since the beginning of the measured record in 1906. Over a 3-day period, 30 inches of rain poured onto watersheds covered with snow and already saturated from one of the wettest Decembers on record. As a result of high water, levees along the Sacramento and Yolo Bypasses and within RD 900 along the Sacramento River sustained heavy damage.
1998 Flood: One of the strongest El Nino events ever recorded helped produce a series of powerful Pacific storms, leading to $550 million in damages in the state of California. The State also reported 17 storm-related deaths for the winter, and 41 counties were declared federal disaster areas.
2005-2006 Flood: Between 12/28/05-01/09/06, Central California experienced a series of storms. These storms produced significant runoff over much of Northern California. The runoff caused several rivers and streams in the Central Valley to rise above flood stage. The Sacramento Weir gates were opened to relieve food stages on the Sacramento River.
2008 Flood: A powerful Pacific storm affected Northern California at the beginning of January 2008, bringing a treacherous mix of hurricane-force winds, and torrential rains.
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